Wednesday, March 4, 2009


fromHonolulu Police Website
to"Vernon Balmer Jr."

dateTue, Mar 3, 2009 at 8:59 AM

Aloha Vernon Balmer Jr.

We received your e-mail and regarding the questions stated in your e-mail. Some one possible had called in a complaint of a person sleeping in a public area during business hours. In your e-mail you had mentioned that you did not have any picture id to identify who you claimed to be. Therefore, the officer inquired for a SSN card, which you willingly provided. You provided your name and with your SSN the officer was “running a make” to ascertain if you have been arrested in the pass. If you were arrested in the pass there would be a physical description of you and a verification of your name. These are normal procedures. The taken of your photo is done in compliance between two parties.

Hopefully, this response has addressed your questions.

Mahalo and may your day be filled with the aloha spirit.
Officer Eric Matsumoto
Honolulu Police Department
Community Affairs Section

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