- All in all, I can't complain. I had a good run. Although the benches could be a little wider.
Answer forthcoming - will post
Vernon Balmer Jr.
to honolulupd@honolulu.gov
date Tue, Feb 24, 2009 at 11:20 AM
subject Extended Camping
mailed-by gmail.com
hide details 11:20 AM (0 minutes ago) Reply
I recently was awakened by officers and given a warning about sleeping during the wrong hours, in Waikiki.
1. I was aware of the new laws, but was surprised to have one of the officers take my picture.
I would like to know is this part of the law, as procedure, or just the whim of HPD.
2. I didn't have picture ID at the time, so an officer asked for my SSN. What is this for? I informed the officer our numbers should be protected, as I'm sure he knows. He said it was to help identify me and that he was going to " run a make". This sounds a little involved for a warning. Please tell me the proper procedure and what was discretionary. I don't think officers should be able to excercise whim, they should follow procedure.
Feb 25,2009
Again, this time sans the request for SSN. Another picture for the Homeless Catalog taken, while my questions in the email are coincidently answered by the female voice on the officer's radio. This is called coordination and communication.
I still have Bwankie, just can't use it between the hours of 10PM and 5AM.
They say the laws don't TARGET the homeless. Who else sleeps outside, in parks, on the beach and benches, between the hours of 10PM and 5AM.
With all respect due officers that don't lie, cheat, steal, murder, and generally BS the public, the officers are following the mandates of the residents, shopkeepers and politicians. I even think this is more the case, than complaints from tourists.
No answer from HPD email yet.
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