If the situation is threatening enough to cause a change in levels moment to moment, it stands to my reason, it would remain at a certain level until there is a sufficient enough change to bring it to a lesser level. But that's just me.
On the 17th of Oct., I submit a complaint to the Police Commission relaying concers about the treatment I experienced at the security checkpoint at HPD District 1 the previous day.
Returning to the station to locate a article I left, I am told by Officer Kahele, in the presence of one officer Hung, and another, that it is mandatory that produce ID, and that I remove everything from my pockets, and take off my belt before passing through the metal detector.
I point out this information is not on the signs, and officer Kahele says there will be no furtherance of my purpose if I do not comply. After complying, I am told by officer Kahele that I must sit down, or she will not take my report.Previous to this occasion , when at the HPD headquarters, I was never asked to remove everything from my pockets and, or to remove my belt, or that I had to produce ID to enter. Officer Lau, the sargeant for this post, tells me the same.
I am told by a detective that it is not mandatory to produce ID, but depending on the threat level, that may change day to day, one may be required to remove everything from ones pockets etc., or be required to submit to different procedures. I inform him on that same day I was not required to do so. He inform me that the security level may change from moment to moment.
On Oct. 16, 2006 I submit a complaint to HPD Intrtnal Affairs relaying concerns about not being asked to identify the driver of the vehicle that hit me on the 8th of Sept., and the fact that the person who stood as Chris Pa at the arraignment was not the driver of the car.
“This is a real rip off!” “What a scam!” You may repeat these statements every time when you are not pleased with the quality of goods or the customer service of this or that company. But do not shout into the open air. Do something that really works. Submit complaints. On the web site www.pissedconsumer.com, you can post all the problems and misunderstandings that happened to you in any company of the world. Sharing your bitter experience will help others to avoid misunderstandings.
this aricle so much knowledgable for us thanks for update this
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