Saturday, January 20, 2007
Honolulu Police Commision:
This is a copy of the letter received from the Honolulu Police Commision "detailing" the investigation and outcome of my complaint.
Notice the date of the "disscussion".
The same date, January 10, as my appearance at the trial of Mr. Pa, the owner of the car that struck me, that was not driven by him. At this "trial", the prosecuting attorney, Ms. Sugita says, Your case is dismissed, you can go now". I would have thought it was the state's case. At least, that's what was stated on the summons.
HPC 06-081 BSA-es
January 11, 2007
Mr. Vernon Balmer Jr.
401 Atkinson DR Room 210
Honolulu, Hawaii 96814
Dear Mr. Balmer :
The Honolulu Police Commission has conducted an extensive investigation of your complaint filed on October 18, 2006 and the case was discussed at the January 10, 2007 Commission meeting.
On the basis of the facts obtained during its investigation, the Commission has determined that Officers Garrett Hung and Sheri-Monigue Kahele acted properly with regard to the Conduct Unbecoming an Officer and Discourtesy-Harassment charges.
Please be assured that we are doing our best to maintain high quality standards for behavior of all personnel in the Honolulu Police Department. As a citizen's review board, we endeavor to gather all available facts, and must be able to determine responsibility for actions. We are sure that you as a citizen want us to act prudently and make careful decisions.
Thank you for your interest and willingness to support our system toward the goal of improving it.
Labels: HPD Honolulu Police Department Honolulu's Finest
posted by Vernon at 12:53 PM 1 comments
Monday, December 18, 2006
This is the place where, those who would complain about wrongdoing are persecuted, harassed, smeared and railroaded. Where the perpetrators who sometimes orchestrate the conflict are promoted and, or transferred, bribed to keep quiet and, or go along with the cover-up.
posted by Vernon at 2:39 PM 2 comments