Thursday, August 16, 2012


[August 14, 2012]

Officers make deal on false-report counts

[The seven officers were accused of a practice known as "piggybacking," putting the names of as many officers on an arrest report as possible to increase the likelihood that all would be subpoenaed should the defendant challenge his arrest and charge. If they were called to court, they would be on overtime.


The city prosecutor's office said it was forced to dismiss more than 200 DUI cases because of the allegations that the officers falsified reports.]

Thursday, April 12, 2012


"On April 5, HPD Officer Michael Chu, 41, has been arrested and charged with conspiring to possess and distribute Marijuana. The arrest is the result of a DEA investigation."
"they are flight risks and they’ll ask they be held without bail."
"HPD officer accused in pot plot free on bond." Also tells me I can't make a report and have to move the shopping cart from HPD.

Monday, April 9, 2012


So, the administrator of (TURTLE PARK) CHINATOWN GATEWAY PARK was named BLACK. worked for HPD. Incidentally, brown bag found by a BLACK.

Friday, January 6, 2012


DONT, hold your breath.

Shopping Carts
12/27/11 (10 days ago)
to honolulupd

I was told by a policeman yesterday that I could not be on the Palace grounds
with a shopping cart. There are no signs and I have been there many times
previous to this occasion; and I'm sure I have been seen by HPD, but there was
nothing said.

The officer that approached me yesterday said no signs are necessary,
he only has to tell me that there is, in fact a, law. This is new to me. Usually ordinances
and such are clearly noted by signs to avoid confusion by the public.

Can you verify for me, either what the officer told me, or my view of how the law works?

The officer in question was also insulting, but I have come to expect this from some HPD officers.
But, before a situation escalates into something terrible, involving this officer, someone might
point out to him the apprehension some people might have being spoken to in an insulting
way, by someone wearing a gun and badge.