I was told by an officer that it is illegal for shopping carts to be on "malls".
The officer was located at Fort Street Mall and said if I pushed it along the
mall he would cite me.
I inquired about signs and was told by the officer that it didn't matter if
there were signs or not. This surprised me because I had been there before to
purchase something and the security guard told me where to place it, but
nothing about them not being allowed.
It has also been my experience that signs are posted when there is a
particular ordinance or statute enforced. I also did a quick Google and
only came across parks, relating to shopping carts. Is this a vague reference
to "malls"? I also informed him that I did not take the cart from the store.
[§633-16] Unauthorized removal of shopping carts, etc.; notice; exceptions. (a) A person shall not remove, without proper authorization, a shopping cart, shopping basket, or similar device from the premises of any business establishment, including any parking area maintained for the customer of the business establishment, or any sidewalk or passageway adjacent to the business establishment, for any purpose whatsoever.